Wednesday, June 30

Summer so Far

What a summer so far! I did find a job. I am once again back at the grocery store. I have worked at it since high school and some how have never left. They just keep hiring me back for the summer. Although I didn't want to go back and was hoping to find a different job it kind of has been a blessing to be back. They have been so good working with my schedule and with my other job.

My other job is probably the best job ever! I get to have fun all week and play while getting paid. Now who would not want that? Yes, I am an EFY councilor! I have met so many amazing people and it is so great to see people's lives changed. So far I have had 2 weeks. I did one session down at BYU Provo and I had one up at Utah State. I have another 2 up at Utah State and 2 at BYU Idaho which will be great! I wish I could do it all summer but unfortunatly I can not get any more time off. Kohlers was nice enough to let me have those 6 weeks.

But other than working life has been great! I love being home and getting to know new people in my singles ward and everywhere else. It is also so great being home and spending time with my family. Me and my mom have been going running in the morning which has been fun. I love my mom she is wonderful! It has been a great summer though so far and we are only half way through. There are still many adventures to be made!

Wednesday, April 28

Summer here I am but what should I do?

Well I have slacked off for sure and have fallen behind on posting about my life because I know so many people want to know whats going on it it...

Well for starts I finished my winter semester and am now a Junior! Its crazy to think about and weird to think that I have finished 2 years of college already. Well this past semester was a blast and by far the best semester I have had up at BYU-Idaho. I had the opportunity to be involved in two different programs on campus. One being the Heber J. Grant program where we help and assist students that come from disadvantaged backgrounds. I love that program and got to know so many amazing people. This was our Leadership Council they are amazing and I love them!
Another program I had the opportunity to help with was Get Prepared. I had so much fun and would go into the office and work at least 5-6 hours a week but those were the best hours ever. I found going into the office being a nice get away from life and all the stresses that come with school and being away from home. I just loved the people that I worked with too. We would have so much fun together and I got to know them all so much!

This semester was probably my most busiest. I took 17 credits and was involved in those two programs and was still able to have a social life. It really was a miracle that I made it through this semester. I pulled all A's and one B+. I have never done that well in school in my whole life. I know that I was helped so much from my Heavenly Father and am so grateful for that. It really has been such a great semester!

Well then a few other things that are exciting that have happened at home is that my brother Joseph went on a mission! He was called to Peru and left March 17. He is still in the MTC and since they changed the missions there is not for certain which mission he is going to be in. I am just so happy and excited for him though. He is going to be an amazing missionary! kind of funny looking but we like him.
Another exciting thing is that..... I'm an Aunt!!!! My sister Katie had her baby on April 23. James Edward Phelps. He is just a little guy but we like him:)
Well that is my life in a nut shell really. Nothing to exciting now I am home for the summer and need to find something to keep me entertained. I am excited to make new friends this summer but not looking forward to the job hunting... so wish me luck, here I come summer, lets hope its a good one:)